Capt. Mike & Beverly

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Belhaven, NC. (StM.135) 9/18/10

Before leaving Florida, we had dinner with long time friends, Capts. Howard and Linda Howe. Linda gifted us with a scrapbook and journal to record our adventures. Both of which have been put to good use!! We knew they would be delivering a boat from the Chesapeake to Florida in September during the time we were headed north. We decided to keep in touch, maybe we could rendezvous along the way. We got the word they'd flown north and were on the water. We left Beauford and Mike headed to a free town dock at Oriental. In one of the guide books, I had read that there was a bakery in Oriental that made sticky buns and olive bread on Saturdays. A treat not to be missed. Upon arrival we discovered the free dock was already full. Cell coverage was absolute "0" and we couldn't contact Howard. Mike says lets not go in and pay for a marina when we don't know where the Howe's are and what the next plan might be, so we anchored out. Next morning we hit a pocket of cell coverage, reached the Howe's, and agreed to meet that night in Oriental. Sticky buns and olive bread were back in the plan! Just as we reached the harbor entrance at Oriental, we get a call from the Howe's. They've encountered some unexpected delays, and now have consulted the charts, calculated the distance and they can't make Oriental. Goodbye sticky buns and olive bread!! Maybe next time! They continued south; we continued north. In the afternoon, we decide to meet up at Belhaven and Linda suggested the River Forest Marina, a marina known for their fine food and lovely 1860's home, now a Bed n Breakfast. We arrive to find the owner has had his trials lately. He went away for a few days and his freezer went down and he lost all his food. Business had been slow, the restaurant was closed, he was out of both gas and diesel, but he would give us a golf cart to ride into town. The Howe's arrived. Howard was surprised to find that we had all the very precise and particular ingredients for his most favorite cocktail, even a fresh lime. We had hors d'oeuvres, a drink, and fun conversation before boarding the golf cart and heading to Fishhooks for a fine seafood feast. It was such a fun time. We saw them off in the morning and continued to wind our way north.

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